Thursday, July 2, 2015

Purely Human

I try to keep my beliefs to myself. Not because I care what people think about my beliefs, but I don’t like arguments. There’s enough of that in politics for everyone around. And I believe there needs to be more love in this world than arguing. But I think everyone needs to hear this every now and then.

We are all human, and we need to start treating each other like we are human. Each possessing a different chemical make up, different life experiences, and even different beliefs.

My way of living isn’t any better or worse than your way of living, and the moment we start accepting this is the moment we start treating everyone else like humans.

Humans that still get hurt when they read something hateful over the internet, whether you can see it on their faces or not.

Humans that have a certain set of beliefs that make them feel secure and happy in their life.

Humans that need to experience just as much love as everyone and everything else in this world.

We are all trying to live in this world and find our own way. We are all trying to find our own happiness and strength in a world with an overwhelming amount of negativity. And we should be trying to lift each other up instead of drag each other down.

If you disagree with someone’s way of living, that is okay. But telling them they’re wrong will only make them shut down on you or blow up on you. We ALL need to start accepting each other for how we were created.

We were all designed to serve a purpose in this world and we may still be trying to figure out what that purpose is. So be patient with one another and spread love, because we can never run out of it.

Once we instill this habit of loving each other, it will no longer be a challenge. And soon we’ll see that each one of us is all practically perfect in every way.

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